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The 2023 Easter puzzle

The Easter puzzle in 2023 was remarkable for several reasons:

  1. With 74 questions, it was our longest nerd puzzle ever.
  2. As it started on Wednesday (and not on Maundy Thursday as usual), it was the earliest Easter puzzle to date.
  3. And it was the first Easter puzzle that was created and led by a real puzzle master (studied chemist, science journalist & mathematician).

So it was no wonder that this year's puzzle was not only very varied, but also very challenging. King question number 74 in particular kept the puzzlers busy for many weeks this year. It was the first to be cracked when a group of four experienced puzzlers got together and worked their way through all the secret riddles and hidden messages with a great deal of diligence and creativity. The fact that there were also several clues to the quiz in our Nerdletter over the long period of time certainly helped a little too. :)

In total, over 8,000 people took part in the quiz this year and it ran for 56 days until 31.05.23.

It's now finished, but if you'd rather have a look at the solutions, you can now get them here too sample solution to our getDigital Easter puzzle 2023.

We hope you enjoyed it and will be back for the 2024 Easter puzzle!

And we would also like to take this opportunity to thank our puzzle master Elke once again for her hard work! :)

Your getDigital team

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