Geekolaus vote
The long-awaited day is here!
Today we go to the vote which team will win the best Christmas parlor decorated. You spent weeks discussing, thinking, coordinating with your team and then producing and sending in great things. The Weihnerds elves from getDigital were delighted with every single package. Once again, a very big THANK YOU to all participants in the 2018 campaign!
Now, of course, it's time to get down to business: Which team will win the Geekolaus 2018? Team Red with the sci-fi theme or rather Team Greenthat is dedicated to gaming?
Here you can see the final Christmas parlors (for a larger view please click on the respective picture):

Here you can watch the rooms again in our last Geekolaus stream.
There is no close-up of the individual decorative elements, as the overall picture should be evaluated - the entire room should blow you away, not just individual items ;)
The fact is that both teams did their best and sent in incredibly great, nerdy decorations. From garlands to masses of tree decorations to a cardboard buddy René in Star Trek uniform and a Super Mario fir wreath made of iron-on beads, everything was there. and by "everything" I mean EVERYTHING.
So take a look at the photos, do some soul-searching and then vote for the team's Christmas parlor that you liked best.
The Weihnerds elves from getDigital would like to thank all the nerdy participants and wish you all the best for now! Merry Christmas and a geeky year 2019!
You now have the opportunity to vote here. So, here we go!
Voting is now closed.