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Throne of Games

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Description Throne of Games

In the seven kingdoms of video games, different factions have always been at war. The house of LAN-nister, the Stark-taris from the far north, the Playstatheons, and the Greyjoysticks - to name just a few of the parties - have been fighting for generations for supremacy and the right to ascend to the Olympus of gamers. The symbol of ultimate power they seek to claim: the Throne of Games, which stands in King's LAN-ding.

On the "Throne of Games"-shirt, you can see the mysterious hooded figure who has managed to ascend the throne. Beneath him, consoles from long bygone eras are stacked, all of which he has mastered. But as we all know, fate is fickle. Who knows, maybe you are destined to ascend the throne next? So keep your controller, mouse, and keyboard ready! Because when you aim for the Throne of Games, you win or you die.

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