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Wifi Remote Rocket Launcher

£69.90 GBP
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Description Wifi Remote Rocket Launcher

With the new Wifi Remote Rocket Launcher, the series of indispensable USB Rocket Launchers and Wireless USB Rocket Launchers is completed.
In addition to the ability to shoot foam rockets up to 6m away, the following features are integrated into the device:
- GPS Receiver: The control software includes a link to Google Maps, where the current position of the device is marked (only possible if the device is outdoors or near a window).
- Webcam: 320*240px, also suitable for night vision in conjunction with the IR LED spotlight (see more pictures). Note: The next software version is supposedly going to include motion tracking: The rocket launcher will then automatically aim at moving objects in the image.
- IR Remote Control: A remote control is included, which uses so-called IR LED spotlights with an extremely high range. The range is up to 100m and up to 10 reflections on walls are possible.
- WLAN 802.11b/802.11g: Of course, the device can be controlled via WLAN (WEP and WPA are supported). However, the WLAN antenna can also be used as a jammer to disrupt a WLAN. WARNING: The Wifi Remote Rocket Launcher cannot be controlled via WLAN during the disruption period.
- Laser Pointer: The laser pointer can be activated if needed and helps with aiming using the Wifi Remote Rocket Launcher
- Speaker + Siren: With the integrated speaker, up to 10 sounds (MP3, max. 10min in total) can currently be played. The siren can be triggered in an emergency. WARNING: Volume corresponds to commercial fire alarms.
- Dual Microphones: The 2 microphones can be coupled and thus enable stereo recording. The trick: The included software allows the stereo function to be used in such a way that individual sound sources can be roughly located in the plane (2D) and the Wifi Remote Rocket Launcher aligns itself accordingly. In our tests, this worked very well, for example, with people entering a room and saying 'Hello' or knocking.
- The rocket launcher is mounted on movable tracks that can be moved using the control software. Thanks to the track technology, it is even possible to overcome smaller stairs with the device. Of course, the launcher itself can also be rotated 360 degrees using the control software.

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