Gifts for physicists
Gift ideas for physicists
Finding a suitable present for someone who decodes the forces that hold the universe together for a living may seem like a daunting and challenging task at first glance. But you can rest assured, because we have put together the best gifts for physicists you can imagine. T-shirts with jokes that only a real physicist can understand, matching mugs for coffee between two experiments and fascinating gadgets for home use are just the tip of the gift iceberg that lies dormant on these pages.This product is only available in German.
For us nerds, facts and measurable data count. Of course, this also applies in the kitchen. That's why a measuring cup is an absolute must! This on...
View full detailsScientists are anything but boring. Just because they don’t want to be the centre of attention at every party doesn’t mean they don’t have it all t...
View full detailsThe most famous cat of all time (well, apart from Garfield) is without a doubt Schrödinger's Cat. In a legendary thought experiment, the Austrian q...
View full detailsSo, you're looking for a really distinguished-looking watch for your wrist, right? But you find all those analogue watches just soooo boring? Maybe...
View full detailsAre you bored of wrapping your cool, geeky gifts, which you picked out with love and care, (ideally from our shop, of course!)– in oh-so boooring w...
View full detailsEven Einstein said he had respect for the complexity of quantum physics. So if you're not a fan of this t-shirt, don't worry, we have several other...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
YOU - SHALL - NOT - PASS! Gandalf taught us we should be really afraid of Balrogs and flee as fast as possible instead of gaping in astonishment. O...
View full detailsWhile electronics certainly is a complex and fascinating field, many newcomers are put off by the sheer amount of complex information out there. Wh...
View full detailsIsn't it amazing what the human brain is capable of? Not only has it secured us our place at the top of the food chain, it can also adapt extremely...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
Anyone who's even remotely interested in electronics and tinkering would probably take a bath in LEDs, batteries, transistors and other parts Scroo...
View full detailsOver the course of millennia, mankind has managed to explore almost every square metre of the Earth's surface. As such, only the deep sea and space...
View full detailsThe cake is a pie ;)Even maths can be a delicious treat. You just have to know how to take it - or how to bake it.
Over the last few decades, geeks and nerds have managed to conquer most parts of everyday life and we can proudly display our interests by wearing ...
View full detailsFaith in God can be an issue. Most of the scientists around here won't accept it as a basis of their existence. Often enough, faith stands in ...
View full detailsPractice makes perfect. No matter what you're talking about – sports, music, literature, basically every other activity – it's always good to start...
View full detailsAs nerds, we like jokes and plays on words that outsiders might not get. Our favourite dead horse to beat is the number Pi. After all, Pi is basica...
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